Consultation Phase Launched for Draft Colbert Station Spatial Framework - Construction Network Ireland - Construction Network Ireland

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Published in Architecture on 20/09/2021

Consultation Phase Launched for Draft Colbert Station Spatial Framework

CNI reports

C+W O’Brien Architects were delighted to be in attendance in Limerick for the launch of the consultation phase of the Draft Colbert Station Spatial Framework for the Land Development Agency. 

C+W O’Brien Architects were lead for the design team working with the LDA and their partners on this project, Limerick City and County Council, Health Service Executive, CIE – Córas Iompair Éireann and others. The publication of the draft spatial framework by Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien TD is the culmination of many virtual meetings and stakeholder engagement events over the past year. The full framework is available on the project website

Commenting on the launch, William Power, Director of C+W O’Brien Architects said: “We are delighted to be able to assist the Land Development Agency in drawing up this Spatial Framework for their flagship project. Colbert Station lands which are owned by a number of public bodies are being brought together for the benefit of the people of Limerick. The ambitious plan stout in the Draft Spatial Framework for Colbert Quarter establishes a sound basis for all stakeholders to move forward and unlock the great potential for a series of interconnected neighbourhoods all centred around the sustainable transport networks already in place.

C+W O’Brien is an award-winning firm with 70 staff across 3 offices in Ireland, working across mission-critical, Data Centre, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Residential, BTR, Commercial and Hospitality sectors.

Design Team:
Architect / Lead: C+W O’Brien Architects
Urban Design: Hawkins\Brown
Planning: John Spain Associates
Transport: Curtins
Stakeholder Engagement: Property District Ireland
Costs: Cogent Associates Ireland